One very common question we hear is – which fireplace is the hottest? Although not really a difficult question to answer, the real answer is – it depends. What type of product are you looking for? Are you looking for an insert, fireplace, or stove? Are you looking to use wood, gas, pellets, or electricity? How big is the room you are placing your unit in?
We have rounded up the hottest fireplaces, in terms of heat output, and compiled a list, broken down by category. See the hottest fireplace, the hottest stove, the hottest insert, the hottest gas unit, the hottest wood unit, and more! Warm up with 2022's hottest fireplaces from Regency.
But first, let’s get on the same page…
How are fireplace heat outputs measured?
The amount of heat released by a fireplace is measured in BTU’s or British Thermal Units. A BTU is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 lb. of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit.
To heat a 10 ft. X 10 ft. room with 10 ft. ceilings during the winter requires approximately 15,000 BTU’s and a 20 ft. X 20 ft. room would require approximately 36,000 BTU’s.
NOTE: These are simply guidelines; due to a large variety of conditions consult your local fireplace expert to find the proper BTU’s required for your space.
How hot does a gas fireplace get?
Although it varies greatly, Regency’s gas fireplaces typically produce between 20,000 and 48,000 BTU’s, enough to heat an apartment or a mid to large room.
How hot does a wood fireplace get?
The amount of heat produced by a wood fireplace from Regency varies greatly, however, typical units produce between 38,000 and 80,000 BTU’s, enough to heat any sized room.
How hot does an electric fireplace get?
An electric fireplace can produce around 5,000 BTU’s, enough to warm a small room or portion of a larger room.
And the Award Goes To…
The following are the hottest (highest BTU) products in each of our product categories:
Overall Hottest :
Regency Pro-Series F5100 Wood Stove - 80,000 BTU’s
The overall hottest unit available at Regency is the F5100 Freestanding Wood Stove. Producing a whopping 80,000 BTU’s and capable of burning wood for up to 30 hours, this wood stove is truly in a class of its own. It is highly efficient, produces a ton of heat, and is eco-friendly - producing less than 2 grams/hour of particulate emissions.
Note: In addition to being the Overall Hottest product the F5100 is also the Hottest Wood Product available.
Hottest Insert :
Regency Hampton HI400 Wood Insert - 77,000 BTU’s
Regency’s hottest fireplace insert is the HI400 which produces up to 77,000 BTU’s. This wood insert is designed to fit into most existing fireplaces and truly is the next generation of fireplace insert. By utilizing triple burn technology the HI400 is able to exceed strict EPA standards as and boasts a staggering 86% efficiency rating.
Hottest Fireplace :
Regency Classic R90 Wood Fireplace - 70,000 BTU’s
The fireplace that produces the most BTU’s is the Regency Classic R90 wood fireplace with 70,000 BTU’s. This traditional style wood fireplace was specifically designed to produce as much heat as possible while offering a large viewing area.
Hottest Stove :
Regency Pro-Series F5100 Wood Stove - 80,000 BTU’s
Surprise, surprise! Wood wins again. When it comes to pure BTU’s output, gas stands little chance against good ole fashioned wood. There’s a reason humans have been using it for thousands and thousands of years.
The hottest stove available from Regency also happens to be the hottest product available. The Regency F5100 offers up to 30 hours of burn time and up to 80,000 BTU’s.
Hottest Gas Product :
The Regency Horizon HZ965E Gas Fireplace - 48,000 BTU’s
The Horizon HZ965E is the hottest gas fireplace product available at regency, offering up to 48,000 BTU’s this large, square, contemporary fireplace has one of the largest viewable areas of any Regency product and produces enough heat to warm large living spaces.
Hottest Wood Product :
Regency Pro-Series CI2600 - 77,000 BTU’s
As mentioned above, the hottest product is the F5100 which also happens to be a wood product; therefore we will highlight the second highest BTU producer, the CI2600.
Similar to the Pro-Series F5100 Wood Stove, the Pro-Series CI2600 is a high efficiency wood fireplace insert that can produce a maximum of 77,000 BTU’s and boasts an optimum efficiency rating of 86.1% and burn times up to 14 hours! The Regency Pro-Series CI2600 also utilizes triple burn technology to optimize efficiency and reduce overall emissions.
Hottest Electric Product :
Regency Skope E195 Electric Fireplace - 5,000 BTU’s
All Regency Skope products contain the same 1-2kW heater, which produces around 5,000 BTU’s. This is enough heat to warm up a small room or effectively space heat a living area; however, it will not warm your entire home. Try using the Skope electric fireplace in tandem with your existing central heating or baseboard heaters for an effective heating system. In addition the Skope electric fireplace can be used with or without heat to provide the ambience of a fireplace, without the heat.
Hottest Outdoor Product :
Regency Horizon HZO60 Outdoor Gas Fireplace - 64,000 BTU’s
The Regency Horizon HZO60 is the hottest in Regency’s outdoor collection. This 60” linear outdoor gas fireplace offers single sided and see-through options and helps to bring your indoor comfort outdoors, extending patio hours and creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Looking to find the right fireplace for your space? Find a Regency Dealer near you who can help find the perfect fireplace for you!